Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger Considered Switching Parties

(image via time)

Protein-driven California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger likes to project, beefily, the outsize image of a powerful self-contained political unit -- from his SUVs, his musky action hero past, his obnoxious humidors and motherfucking seedy relationships with the muscle mags -- but when it comes to his new career he appears quite insecure next to billionaire New York powerhouse Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is like an Elder Centrist Brother to Arnold, politically at least, so when the Mayor switched from a Republican to an Independent in the light of growing unfavorability of the GOP under Bush, Arnold gave the matter serious thought. From TheDailyBeast:

"How bad did things get between Der Governator and his fellow Republicans? Schwarzenegger’s biographer, Joe Mathews, reports that he recently considered dropping out of the party altogether. It’s the latest blast in a long-running war.

"A few months ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger and a few close associates discussed whether he should leave the Republican Party, according to two people familiar with the conversation. His friend Mike Bloomberg, the New York mayor, had become an independent. Maybe Schwarzenegger should, too. But the governor and his people quickly concluded that Californians already saw him as independent of the Republican Party. So what would be the point of a switch? (A spokesman for the governor declined comment.)"

The full story here.

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