Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Artie Lange Returns To The Stern Show

Lovable mess Artie Lange returned to The Howard Stern show this morning from a holiday stint in rehab. Oddly, one of the reasons Lange returned early -- besides to be on the air -- is because he thinks Rolling Stone magazine is still relevant. From Newsday:

"Lange said he returned to the area on Monday, but needed 'a day' before coming back on the show. He immediately on the defense about skepticism about his latest tale of rehabilitation.

"Lange said it was far from a spa treatment, that it was a process he did not want to go through. The comedian said it began with an intervention with his sister --whom he's very close with -- and colleague and friend Colin Quinn. He soon admitted it was not a traditional rehab, but placed a heavy emphasis on detoxing through the experience.

"He then went on to describe the treatment for his organs that were damaged by his drug and alcohol use. He later admitted his sister isn't speaking to him because she wanted him to stay for three weeks, but Lange returned to complete a profile for Rolling Stone magazine, which includes shows in Manhattan this weekend.

"... Stern agreed to random drug tests, and Lange said he would leave the show upon failing the first test -- a claim that conjured an 'Uh oh!' from Robin Quivers. She changed the terms to a failed test means Lange must go to "real rehab" for 30 days, something Stern signed off on."

While we wish Lange the best of luck in his sobriety we wonder, in the quiet of our souls, how far out must one be to need Colin Quinn to engineer your rescue from ruin?

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