Monday, December 22, 2008

Will Obama Be Good For Right-Wing Radio?

(image via excitations)

An advertising manager for The Nation magazine once told The Corsair that in opposition governments -- Republicans -- subscriptions for the nation's oldest weekly rise. The Presidency of Barack Obama, according to Brian Stelter in today's Times, may mean a Risorgimento of conservative talk radio. Right wing talk radio seems also, interestingly, to be most resistant to the challenges of iPods, the Internet and satellite radio. From The NYTimes:

"After eight years of playing defense for President Bush, the conservatives who dominate talk radio are back on offense.

"Hours after Mr. Obama’s election, the country’s most popular radio host, Rush Limbaugh, was talking about the 'rebirth of principled opposition.'

"Sean Hannity, the second highest-rated host, quickly cast his afternoon show as the home of 'conservatism in exile.'

"It is a lively time to be behind the microphone. One television talker, Joe Scarborough, is starting a radio show. Another, Bill O’Reilly, is ending his.

"... Five of the most popular syndicated names in news-talk radio — Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham — signed new contracts in the last 12 months, all but guaranteeing that they will be rallying listeners for the duration of Mr. Obama’s four-year term. Mr. Limbaugh’s landmark contract, announced in July, promised a total of $400 million through 2016."

In addition to those three, Stelter lists a horde of rightie talkers that may see benefits from being on "offense" in an Obama administration. Former Perotista -- how embarrasing was that? -- Dennis Miller's "Dennis Miller Show" is syndicated on 200 stations. The caustic "Mark Levin Show" is in 175 markets. Monica Crowley, is about to be syndicated daily through the Talk Radio Network (Does the cameraman on "The McLaughlin Group" consciously or unconsciously pan to her legs at least twice a show). Rudolph W. Giuliani -- we call him "Giggliani" -- is in talks with Westwood One. Huckabee is hosting short segments for ABC Radio beginning Jan. 5.

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