Friday, December 05, 2008

Carol Alt On The Howard Stern Show

(image via postchronicle)

At 47, Carol Alt is appearing in this month's Playboy. She stopped by The Howard Stern Show yesterday and, of course, the conversation got pretty rowdy pretty fast (Warning: you might want to skip this post if you are squeamish, as Sirius satellite radio is raw, uncensored talk). It was a reunion of sorts as Alt played Stern's fantasy woman in his movie Private Parts. The raw food enthusiast talked about how her diet -- and the robust use of enemas -- helped her win her battle against cancer and, to be sure, she discusses the nude photo shoot. From

"Supermodel Carol Alt (in the past Fred has disputed this classification, however, in light of her recent triumph over cancer, Fred said he was giving her a pass) stopped by to promote her new Playboy pictorial – her first nude shoot ever. Howard asked how Carol reconciled her shoot with her newfound Christianity, so she explained that she wasn't a fanatic: 'I just read my Bible in the morning.'

"... Howard stopped Carol mid-story and told her he loved how her breasts looked in her Playboy pictorial: 'You have the boobs of a 19-year-old.' Carol thanked Howard and bragged: 'They defy gravity!' Howard told Carol that he also loved her big areolas: 'And I don't usually love big areolas, but they're not too dark. What do you think about that?' Carol she wasn't sure: 'I don't really think about that.' Carol then claimed her Playboy pictures were totally un-retouched.

"Carol confessed that she owed a lot of her remission to coffee enemas, so Howard walked her through the process: 'You would insert this tube into your deep would you go?' Carol said, 'As far as it took. Robin how far would you say?' Robin admitted that she inserted the tube pretty far. Howard had a million questions: did Carol enema while nude or in heels? Did she use lube? Carol said she used coconut oil: 'I make love to my enema bag...I think the whole body is a fun zone. Nothing is off limits.'"

Some Carol Alt pics here (NSFW, obvs).

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