Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who Is That "International It Girl" On The Banquette?

(man-tanned Valentino & friend via style)

Decadence, thy name is jet set. From Fashionweekdaily:

"For a retiree, Valentino sure is active. On Friday night (or was it Saturday morning?) the chronically reseved designer was seen pumping those fists and swaying those hips alongside a half-dozen Carnivale dancers clad in little but strategically-placed strands of paste.

"... The action took place in the (Fatima) Otero's backyard, which was anchored by a Cain-esque dance floor. As the samba crowd writhed, the Corcovado statue glared down sternly, but it didn't shame the white jacketed waiters from refilling champagne glasses with abandon. 'Now this is the Rio spirit!' said Carlos Souza, before being dragged into a congo line by Andrea Dellal. Harvey Nichols' Averyl Oates frolicked alongside Lady Gabriela Windsor while another 'International It Girl' (as they were known around the junket) engaged in bit of hanky panky on a banquette with a luscious young lad."

Sounds like a wild time. But who is the "International It Girl" getting busy? Zani Gugelmann? Alice Dellal? Who?! Also, from Style:

"Christ the Redeemer, the 700-ton statue located high atop Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro, is one of Brazil's most awe-inspiring landmarks, and the soapstone-and-concrete monument made rather an ironic backdrop for a wild South American rave that took place a few curves in the road below its feet. 'It's true, he's watching you,' said Alvaro Otero, who was playing host to Claro Rio Summer's penultimate night of dancing, drinking, and decadence. 'So I'm counting on everyone being on their best behavior!' Not a chance.

"... From behind Otero's pool, the percussionists of the Grande Rio Samba School drummed their way out into the crowd with their scantily clad and heavily headdressed dancers behind them. 'I swear, I'm looking at the workmanship,' Justin Portman said, when one flexible and rapidly moving dancer gave him a good view of her teeny-tiny costume. That was nothing compared to what happened to Mr. Valentino, who was quickly scooped up and surrounded in a circle of popping, shaking, and jiggling flesh."

More Style.

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