Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sarah Silverman Smoked Weed At Howard Stern's Wedding

A wedding is a time for joyous celebration, and, for Sarah Silverman, an opportunity to smoke the sweet leaf. From today's Howard Stern show via Marksfriggin:

"John (Stamos) said that he was at a fun table with Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman. They spent a little time talking about them getting back together and getting kind of physical at the wedding. Howard said Jimmy was almost fingering her asshole at the wedding. John aids that Sarah went out and smoked pot with everyone but she protected everyone to make sure they didn't get into trouble.

"Howard said that Hollywood execs get upset when they hear that stuff so that's why he told her she can't tell people who she was smoking with.

"John said that he and Howard were at Mr. Chow's one time and smoked. Howard said his daughter asked him about that and he told her that he only smoked once. He said he told her that it was with John Stamos that one time. Howard said he was just trying to fit in with the young kids."

So, Hollywood execs are okay with greenlighting a project by someone who brags about sleeping with underage girls but they have a problem with grown adults smoking weed?

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