Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Offers "Rahmbo" Chief Of Staff Position

Rahm "Rahmbo" Emmanuel, the ferociously on-message enforcer of the Congress has been offered the White House Chief of Staff position, according to ABC News' Jake Tapper. Emmanuel, despite the obnoxiousness of his incessant spin, is a team player. After delivering a "thumping" to the Republican House members in 2006, he could have taken the number 3 position in the Congress, the Majority Whip, but instead stepped aside to let African-American congressman Clyburn take the slot. In waiting his turn, it seems Emmanuel -- who, in the past, had not been known for patience -- is now rewarded by the politicval gods.

Traditionally, the Chief of Staff is the centerpiece of a Presidential transition team, limiting access to all those ambitious favor-seekers and job-seekers vying to get fave time with the President-elect. As perennial student of power Vernon Jordan told Bloomberg, "A president should pick a White House chief of staff first ... The chief of staff needs to be involved in the selection of other people in the government; that's the quarterback." From ABCNews:

"Emanuel, a knowledgeable source tells ABC News, has not yet given his answer. The sharp-tongued, sharp-elbowed, keenly intelligent veteran of the Clinton White House is said to have ambitions to some day be Speaker of the House. But he also has a keen sense of "duty."

"Today on 'Good Morning America' ABC's George Stephanopoulos reported Obama likes the fact that Emanuel 'knows policy, knows politics, knows Capitol Hill' and has told associates that Emanuel would "have his back.'

"There is a tentative plan to announce Obama's chief of staff this week."

Rahm Emanuel, curiously enough, actually replaced George Stephanopoulos as policy adviser to President Bill Clinton.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    just confirmed. . .it IS rahmbo time!

    does this mean entourage 'ari' will be
    spending more time in DC?

  2. What I want to know is what were Ari and rahmbo's parents feeding them? These guys are monsters on the upward-ascent ladder. Their parents should write a book about their method.

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    true, they are uber-achievers. perhaps an astrologer would know. i love that he's missing part of a finger, like jerry garcia, same hand!

    the oldest son, ezekiel, is suppose to be the BEST of the bunch. he's a doctor, natch.

  4. Anonymous5:38 PM

    full segment here:
