Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oeuvres

(image via chicagoist)

"'It is one of the greatest moments I could even imagine,' Oprah Winfrey said last night after witnessing Barack Obama's historic win. Winfrey along with several other celebrities including Star Jones and Kerry Washington attended Obama's victory rally Tuesday. 'He walked into the family tent ... to see him and his wife walk in filled you with a lot of pride to know that America is as we dreamed it would be," said former 'The View' co-host Star Jones. There were no VIP sections tonight, it was really about Barack Obama tonight.'" (Singersroom)

"As regular people partied in the streets last night, the city's Hollywood imports gathered at the Public House in Midtown, where producer Harvey Weinstein, GQ editor Jim Nelson, Borghese CEO Georgette Mosbacher, and Glamour editor Cindi Leive hosted a bipartisan election night party. (On the bar was a bowl of Obama/Biden pins alongside a bowl of McCain/Palin pins.) ...The election results may not have been going the way Ms. Mosbacher would like them to, but the party seemed to be a success as celebrities like James Franco, Taylor Momsen, Gina Gershon and Jessica Alba arrived at the party to push their way past the crowds and say hello to 'Harvey.' (At one point, there literally seemed to be a line of famous faces waiting in line as if to see the Pope.)" (Observer)

"CNN was the top rated cable channel during Election Night in prime time, even topping broadcast networks NBC, CBS and FOX in Total Viewers. In the A25-54 demo CNN was the top rated cable network as well. This was CNN's highest-ever viewership in prime time." (TVNewser)

"As 23/6 staffers liveblogged the election, the young, tech-savvy crowd held forth on the reasons to vote for Obama. 'I actually liked John McCain in 2000,' said Ron Mwangaguhunga, a blogger for HuffPo. 'This John McCain is totally different.' Mwangaguhunga .. said that he had decided to 'pretty much vote like a Democrat. If John McCain had been 'John McCain in 2000' and Obama had been Hillary Clinton, I might have voted differently." (Variety/WilshireandWashington)

"Guess who's here: Ralph Nader! The irritating old fool went completely around the bend this year, and now he's on Fox News calling Barack Obama an Uncle Tom. That's right!" (Gawker)

"The Material Girl celebrated Barack Obama's victory Tuesday night with a glittering rally of her own, leading thousands of fans at her concert in San Diego with a rousing introduction to her song 'Express Yourself.' In a video posted on YouTube, Madonna claps her hands and declares, 'This is a historical evening! ... We are lucky to be sharing it with each other!'" (AP)

"The Democrats fell several votes short of the 60-vote filibuster-proof Senate that they were seeking and also failed to get rid of a key Senate target: Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Republicans, though discouraged by the election's outcome, believe Obama will be hard-pressed not so much to enact his agenda but to keep his popular majority, which he considers centrist, as he moves to enact ultra-liberal legislation, particularly the demands of organized labor." (Novak)

"So much for the Election Day bounce. Stocks erased all of their gains from Tuesday’s rally — the biggest on a presidential election day in 24 years — as investors banked profits and dealt with another round of bleak economic news, this time about businesses that comprise nearly 90 percent of the economy." (NYTimes)

"Earlier this year, noted GOP firebrand Stephen Baldwin vowed to flee the United States if Barack Obama was nominated as the Democrats' presidential candidate. He apparently got as far as Minnesota before settling down again for the end of the election cycle, but now that Obama has triumphed for the highest office in the land, we would like to personally reaffirm our interest in driving the moving van. How about it, Steve?" (Defamer)

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