Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mariah Carey: There Was "Really No Intimacy" Until Me And Nick Cannon Got Married

(image via dailymail)

Mariah Carey, formerly married to the thuggish music executive Tommy Mottola, was, apparently, chaste -- or chaste-ish" -- before marrying Nick Cannon. From the 3AMGirls:

"She’s the most sought-after star in the world, so no wonder there’s such a Carey on to get Mariah to the World Music Awards.

"We’ve got our hands on the organisers’ plans and they’re going to spoil her rotten.

"They’re forking out (USD $16,000) on a private jet to whisk her from her X Factor performance on Saturday to Monaco for the lavish 20th anniversary celebrations.

"It will be the first time she will be in town with her new hubby Nick Cannon – so the trip will be extra-romantic.

"Especially since Nick recently confessed: 'To be honest there was really no intimacy until we got married.

"'That’s a lesson to young girls, don’t give them none until you get married.'"

No, please don't listen to her, ladies; that's just Mariah being Mariah. More here.

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