Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Howard Stern Versus Richard Belzer

(image via fetchdog.com)

The infamously cynical Richard Belzer and the newly -married Howard Stern have been friends for years. Belzer was a friend of the show back when it was on K-Rock, before Stern was in markets beyond New York City. Belzer even claimed that he got the job on Dick Wolf's Law & Order franchise after producers heard him on the Howard Stern Show, which was --- and still is -- tremendously popular in LA.

That friendship may have taken a hit. Stern, now deeply involved in animal charities in support of his wife, aired some dirty laundry about an animal charity event that "The Belz" blew off. Oops. From HowardStern.com:

"Howard started the show saying he went to the North Shore Animal League's 'Dogcatemy Awards' over the weekend. Howard told how he presented Beth with an award, which he said really surprised Beth. Afterward, Howard reaped the benefits of his kind words: 'Beth was so turned on.'

"Howard added that Richard Belzer had been lined up to host the event but turned out to be 'the most selfish, f'ed-up person on the planet,' explaining that Belz cancelled on the event 15 minutes before the event started - his assistant called to say he was sick. Howard noted that Belz was booked to come on the show in a couple weeks, 'And I wanna unbook him...How does a human being do that?' Howard then thanked Maria Menounos for stepping in and making it look effortless: 'She's a piece of ass and a home run chick.'"

Ironically, it was Richard Belzer who was the animal lover and Howard Stern who was the hard-boiled skeptic of celebrity animal advocacy when their radio-friendship began. Now it seems that the student has become the Master ...

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