Monday, November 24, 2008

Dick Morris Is Still Obsessed With The Clintons

It does not speak well for Dick Morris' mental health that he is still pathologically obsessed with Bill and Hillary Clinton. As you no doubt remember, Morris was unceremoniously ejected from his position as an advisor to President Clinton hours before he delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in 1996. Though Clinton and Morris had a volatile relationship (they almost came to blows, once), they were politically successful -- the Punch and Judy of the Oval Office, so to speak.

Then Dick romped with a hooker. Though brilliant in the realm of Machiavellian politics -- Morris created Triangulation, the strategy of bringing into confluence specific policy prescriptions that Clinton and then-Majority Leader Trent Lott believed in -- the hooker thing was the last straw.

Fast forward a decade. Morris' brilliance has once again resurfaced (as well it should), and his sins have been forgiven by the Right (which, in Republican politics, is better than a pardon from God). How far the mighty have fallen! Once a classy Rockefeller Republican with a first rate intellect and solid professional reputation, Morris presently serves as Sean Hannity's feral pet, dishing on all things Clinton for the consumption of the ultra-right wing waterheads. And yet even after President Clinton has moved off the national stage, veered onto the international arena (in, admittedly, sometimes shady ways), Morris' blood feud with the Clintons -- now embodied in his animus towards Hillary -- continues. Every week a new "column" by Dick Morris, invariably on Hillary Clinton, arrives in The Corsair's inbox.

It's sick, psychotic stuff, people. It is probably typed out sweatily, at bacterial velocity at a fevered pitch and sent to emails across the fruited plains with a cracked laugh. From today's email:

"It is still hard to believe but, if Hillary Clinton's 'confidantes' are to be trusted, Barack Obama is about to appoint her secretary of state and she is about to accept. This appointment represents the capstone of betrayal of Obama's promise to be the 'change we can believe in.'

"Having upended the Democratic Party, largely over his different views on foreign policy and the war in Iraq, he now turns to the leader of the ancient regime he ousted, derided, mocked and criticized to take over the top international-affairs position in his administration.

"No longer, apparently, does he distrust Hillary's 'judgment,' as he did during the debates when he denounced her vote on the Iraq War resolution. Now, all is forgiven. After all, Obama's election, the only change he apparently truly believed in, is a fait accompli.

"Apart from the breathtaking cynicism of the appointment lies the total lack of foreign-policy experience in the new partnership. Neither Clinton nor Obama has spent five minutes conducting any aspect of foreign policy in the past. Neither has ever negotiated anything or dealt with diplomatic issues. It is the blonde leading the blind."

Oh, desist, Dick Morris: desist!

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