Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ana Marie Cox: Mitt Romney Has Chicken Legs

The Corsair just asked Ana Marie Cox about the reported skininess of Mitt Romney on the WashPo chat. She responded, "OMG CHICKEN LEGS. Totally. I saw him in a hotel lobby as he was coming in after a run (before the Hofstra debate) and he looked like a human bobble doll."

How can "Mittens" expect a "free and strong America" with weak knees?

Also, from me:

"The Corsair: Ana: You have said in the past that Nixon Agonistes is one of your favorite books. Why is it that no one writes with Wills' kind of intense new journalism on the political campaigns anymore?

"Ana Marie Cox: Well, personally (to the extent I dare to compare myself to Wills at his best): I don't know how anyone ever found the time. That blogger mentality (MUST POST NOW!) I referred to earlier makes it difficult to step back and think through narrative arc of a campaign, and there are few outlets that have the kind of space one would need to unpack the characters that make campaigns so compelling up close. I have been thinking about writing a novel based on the McCain campaign (yeah, yeah, old dog, no new tricks, sorry) just to TRY to get at the interiors Wills described so well when it came to Nixon. I don't think I could do timely enough to be a quick post-election book, and I know that it would be difficult to gain the access, post-campaign especially, Wills had to do as completely non fiction. There would be a lot of guessing. Educated guessing, but guessing."

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