Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Will Joe Biden Campaign In Las Cruces, NM On Friday?

(image via greenwhichmeantimer)

Pollwise New Mexico is still a swing state that could go either way. There is a lot of macho going on there, especially among the male Latino vote. PBS' NOW ran a fascinating story on that, how lots of Latino males are voting for McCain because he projects "toughness." It goes in with Western mores and a certain amount of chauvanism. One young man actually laughed at a reporter who said that Obama might be closer to his station in life, saying, in effect, he wouldn't vote for the senator from illinois unless he came to the state and drank a beer with them. Still, Obama is not conceding the state, apparently. From SantafeNewMexican:

"Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden, the only member of a major-party ticket not to visit New Mexico so far this year, will host a Change We Need rally in Southern New Mexico on Friday.

"Obama's New Mexico campaign has not released any details of Biden's visit — not even the city where the event will take place. Normally, when Democratic candidates appear in Southern New Mexico they go to Las Cruces, which is a Democratic stronghold. Obama has campaigned there, and in 2004, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry visited the city."

There is also an interesting Congressional race in Las Cruces involving a seat that has been reliably Republican for 26 years, but may veer Democrat.

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