Monday, October 06, 2008

Taki, The Old Right And Cougars

(image via altfg)

Good-natured though occasionally acerbic paleoconservative raconteur Taki Theodoracopulos caused a bit of a firestorm in the repressed corridors of the American Old Right by essentially observing, rather innocently, that he would have liked to have fucked Barbara Stanwyck back in the day. Those sort of things, apparently, are not said in front of the spit-shined Buchanan Brigades! Taki posted on October 2nd a somewhat nostalgic piece in TakiMag, saying, among other things:

"When I read that actor Robert Wagner had had a four-year-long affair with Barbara Stanwyck back in 1952, my first reaction was that of envy and more envy. Wagner is 77 this year and Babs would have been 101, so when they were canoodling together he was 22 and she was 47. Excellent. Perfect. Young men need older women for sex as much as older men need younger ones later on. It is nature’s fit, a perfect combination which carries the eloquence of the unspoken."

And the vitriol began! Who could have imagined that some racy references to Babs Stanwyck could ignite such Pan-passions in the well-girded loins of the America Firsters, our perpetually-angry culture warriors. Some of the comments:

From I Am Not Spartacus: "This is not amusing or entertaining. It is disgusting and pornographic. Grow-up and beg forgiveness while you still have time."

From the rather meaningfully named commentator "Frank": "Repressed sexuality? You mean perverted sexuality… And we wonder why the West is dying."

An Older Woman weighs in: "Frankly, this whole thing is rather disgusting. Women who have any sense at all are not going to play F*** -tutor so some pimply little s*** can resolve his mommy issues and build sexual confidence. Any female who feels so honoured by such attention probably is obsessively afraid of getting old and less-than-nubile. I have six kids. Both my husband and I were virgins. I don’t think either of us needed “mentors” to accomplish a roaring, yet exclusive, love life."

And, finally, more from good ole "Frank": "I’m not trying to say I’m better than Mr. Theodoracopulos, but I fear articles like this create perversion and tempt lust."

Tempt lust, indeed! (In Praise of Older Women)

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