Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin To Do SNL On October 25 th

There have been on-again/off-again scoops of whether or not Governor Sarah Palin will do SNL. Cindy Adams has the latest in the NYPost:

"Sarah Palin is doing 'Saturday Night Live.' Not Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin doing "Saturday Night Live." But the Sarah Herself. She has already OK'd it. She's booked. It's confirmed. Done deal. Sketches are being sketched as we speak. She - eyeglasses, haircomb, designer jacket and trunkful of gosh-darns, golly-gees and gol-dangs - will be on 'SNL' Saturday night, Oct. 25. Sarah's rehearsal time has already been penciled in for Friday the 24th."

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