Friday, October 03, 2008

Janet Jackson's Yo Yo Dieting

Bloggers and celebrity tabloids have been engaged for some time in this noxious game with Janet Jackson. Everyone loves to spy pictures of Janet who, when she about to go on tour or about to release an album, has been known to lose tremendous amounts of weight. And then certain bloggers and thimble-deep tabloids put her in a prominent place, praising her body. Finally, after the release and the tour, Jackson becomes a recluse gaining back all the weight she lost.

Heaven knows Janet Jackson comes from a colossally fucked up family, and who knows why she is the way that she is. But what she is is a yoyo dieter. Perhaps this arises from the evil of making your child a celebrity, unnaturally linking their values, in childhood, with the astonishing shallowness of the entertainment business (link being a size zero). Why would anyone willingly raise their kids in the entertainment bubble? Look to the Jacksons; look to Danny Bonaduce; look to Elizabeth Taylor (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) ..

Her recent "unspecified illness" -- because of which she is cancelling some concerts -- is probably a result of that. And wouldn't the subject of Yo yo dieting be a far better subject for those tabs to explore, rather than -- in the case of Star, particularly -- running idiotic covers mocking the bodies of celebrities?

Just saying ...

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