Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Happened To Senator John McCain?

What happened to Senator John McCain? He used to be so far beyond the petty partisan politics of those angry Left-Right people. This blog, four years ago, all but lionized the man for his post-partisanship, on his ability to negotiate acceptable legislation. John Sidney McCain was a magnificent, Moderate Senator; McCain was in the glorious Senate tradition of Moynihan, Simon, Rudman and Tsongas (Does anyone even remember those names?). Alas, most of those great Senators of old are passed, and the Republic has, in the intervening years, metamorphosed into a sick, dying Empire. Still, McCain, in his heyday, took on the Bush administration using the Senate rules to his strategic advantage against an entrenched majority as well as assembling a bipartisan group of Centrists to block Bush at the height of his Imperial drunkenness. McCain was a founding member of that glorious "Gang of 14," which stood athwart American Constitutional excesses in the hour of the wolf.

Things change (The Corsair sips a dense, meaty Marquis Philips 2003 Merlot). As the 2008 election approached, McCain strategically veered into campaign mode, tacking hard right to appeal to the party base in the primaries. Ever since then, the even-handed Senator McCain of old has been a distant memory, fading ever deeper into the recesses of Senate history. Even his old Gang of 14 eschews his new Bushian incarnation.

What happened to John McCain?

Ambition .. ambition before country.

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