Monday, September 15, 2008

Senator Hillary Clinton On Good Morning America Tomorrow

(Ida Mae Astute/ABC )

ABC News keeps getting the gets. Fresh off their interview with Governor Palin, New York's Junior Senator -- who ran an historic campaign for President -- is going to be on GMA tomorrow. From ABCNews:

"Eyes wide but hands at the ready, I grabbed for my camera. Luckily Cleo, a much better photographer, beat me to it and snapped a few pictures.

"What Hillary and Diane talked about is top secret and not to be released until tomorrow's show, but I've got my sources and I do know that Diane asked if Hillary was secretly pulling for Palin to break the now-famous 'glass ceiling.'

"Tomorrow morning 'Good Morning America' will air that answer along with full interview with the former presidential candidate.

"After her interview with Diane was finished, Hillary chatted with the other anchors and then they all came out of the train together to meet 'GMA' fans and Clinton supporters on the station platform."

This should be a fascinating interview as: 1) Obama's lead in NY state (via the Siena poll) -- a reliable blue -- is 46-41 with a margin of error of 3.9 points, 2) Palin keeps making the Veep pick an issue, going so far as to say Obama should have picked Senator Clinton, and: 3) Biden said -- in pure Bidenspeak -- Hillary MIGHT have been a better pick. Wonder if Sawyer asked these questions ..

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