(image via pewforum)
Presidents, and even Congresspersons, come and go, but Sally Quinn is, in Washington, forever. A staple of that city's social life, Quinn, in a previous incarnation, was a socialite, insider and the resident alpha female. At present Quinn is a blogger on the subject of faith.
Recently Quinn slammed Governor Palin on her quest for the Vice Presidency while parenting 5 children, one of which has Down's Syndrome, and a teenage daughter who recently became pregnant. The right blogosphere -- and radio -- has pounced.
On the Imus in the Morning Show Quinn talked about the harsh comments she got on the blog as a result of that post. "Some of the worst comments have come from Christians ... I don't usually read the comments because they are toxic." Quinn noted that on the blog she was called "the a-word, the f-word," and other choice curses, to be sure. During the course of the conversation Quinn, an old hand in Washington society, also noted that every Presidential candidate runs against the city, saying, "Washington is an evil pit."
Quinn noted that she didn't think Governor Palin was qualified to be Vice President. She added, "Sarah (would probably be) the most likely Vice President to be President considering John McCain's age and medical history."
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