Thursday, September 04, 2008

On Giuliani And "The Cosmopolitan"

How about some "schadenfrudy"? Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- his friends call him "Bubbles" -- attacked Senator Barack Obama last night in his red-meat speech for the delegates. How far the mighty have fallen. "America's Mayor," formerly lauded the world over, accepting Knighthoods, presently serving as the McCain campaign's pitbull. Throw the hound a dog yummy. From Rudy's speech last night:

"Gov. Palin represents a new generation. She’s already one of the most successful governors in America and the most popular.

"And she’s already had more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined.

"She’s been a mayor. I love that.

"I’m sorry — I’m sorry that Barack Obama feels that her hometown isn’t cosmopolitan enough."

Don't you love the way Giuliani, an accomplished cousin-fucker, was attacking Obama for being too "cosmopolitan." Hello? Keep doing that Rudy and your family tree will be a wreath!

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