Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

(image via gamingsteve)

"Did I call a time out after my stupid son blew up the Death Star? Hell no! I took the boys to Hoth and laid the smack down. Feh." (DarthVader/Twitter)

"HowardKurtz: No debate?? (Maybe.) But I've already got my plane tickets! What about MY needs?" (HowieKurtz/Twitter)

"At 2:48pmET Fox News began reporting the news that Sen. John McCain was going to suspend his campaign to return to Washington where the debate on the bailout bill continues. A few minutes later Fox News picked up the AP newsalert that McCain wanted to postpone the first of the Presidential debates set for Friday night in Oxford, MS. MSNBC reported the news at 2:55; CNN reported it a few seconds later." (TVNewser)

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nv.) said Wednesday there is no need for Barack Obama and John McCain to rush back to Congress to work on the stalled bailout package and certainly no need to delay the first presidential debate, as McCain is urging. Obama is expected to call for the debate to go on as planned. Reid said both men returning to their Senate jobs will 'risk injecting presidential politics into this process. ....We need leadership, not a campaign photo op,' Reid said." (SunTimes)

"PA Gov. Ed Rendell: 'What, does McCain think the Senate will still be working at 9 p.m. Friday?" (Gruber/Twitter)


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I say let Biden and Palin have the debate on Friday. Without much warning, then we'd really get to see what Palin is made of.

    I know that a lot of journalists read this blog, so let's do it! Push, push, push! Make it happen! We don't have much more than 24 hours to go, but there's time.

  2. it's going to happen. I'd love to take credit for it, but McCain has steeled himself against the journo class. And something tells me he always anticipated this outcome, perhaps to deprive Obama of a day of debate prep. Who knows with Senator McErratic.
