Saturday, September 20, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

(image via fishbowlla)

"CNBC's four-day average is shaping up to give it its best week of all time in Total Viewers (502,000) and best week since the week of April 16, 2001 in the A25-54 demo (147,000). We hear NBC CEO Jeff Zucker traveled to CNBC HQ this morning and addressed CNBC employees in the newsroom. After he was introduced by CNBC president Mark Hoffman, he congratulated the employees for the coverage this week. 'This week was your Olympics, and you won the only Gold medal,' he said." (TVNewser)

"My favorite host committee of the year has to be Jason Pomeranc and Todd English who enlisted an UES guy gang (Alex von Furstenberg, Andres Santo Domingo, Danny Baker, Diego Garcia, Jon Ylvisaker and my brother Topper Mortimer) to host Wednesday night's preview of The Libertine, a restaurant and bar at Gild Hall, Pomeranc's new swanky hotel on Gold Street. These dudes never slap their names on anything, but for Jason they were willing to represent." (Papermag)

"As the economy reels, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. — the Other Running Mate — has been absolutely butchering Senator John McCain across the Rust Belt this week. It is not clear who has noticed. His verbal ramblings seem to have detracted from his attack role on the trail. 'John is so out of touch, he just has no idea,' charged Mr. Biden, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, who called his 'old, dear friend' someone who 'just doesn’t think,' who is behaving in a repugnant manner and who is peddling 'Republican garbage,' and malarkey. The older woman who introduced him at a rally here called Mr. Biden’s Republican counterpart, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, a 'bucket of fluff,' and he rewarded the woman as he took the microphone with an 'I love you' and a gentle kiss on the head." (NYTimes)

"I have seen this for many years in the position of presenting global crises. There is a strong, rich, ambitious story to tell. After the bad news, you must see it, the beckoning horizon. Does Mr. McCain? No. He is what John Zogby told me on Sunday 14 is called by pollsters, 'the Private Generation,' the men and women born between 1935-1945 who do not easily speak beyond his or her knowledge and scope. Private, modest, insular. Does Sarah Palin speak largely of a bright future? Yes: she is the end of the 'Woodstock Generation,' 1946-1964," and the beginning of the 'Nike Generation,' 1965-1978. This is an ambitious, conservative, frantic group, now the parents of the toddlers around us. On the go, vigorous. And Sarah Palin is the only one of the four national candidates who communicates the good news of a better, grander, sweeter day ahead." (TheJohnBatchelorShow)

"'I am so grateful to be here, I am little bit numb,' filmmaker Andrew Berends told documentary film insiders on Wednesday night in New York City one week after returning to the United States. Bernends was detained in Nigeria while making 'Delta Boys,' a new film about the Niger Delta." (Indiewire)

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