Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Steve Schmidt Versus "The Media;" Or, How The McCainiacs Seek To Regain Their Narrative

(image via latimes)

Has the McCain campaign lost control of their narrative? Governor Sarah Palin had a terrible rollout after the initial surprise of her introduction. It is not inconceivable, considering that many convention speeches are taking their cases directly to their base -- and independents -- over the heads of the media. Bullet-headed Republican strategist Steve Schmidt is taking his distaste for the mainstream media mainstream. Clearly there must be some political dividends in doing so, considering the highly theatrical nature of Schmidt's discontent. Or are we too cynical?

Are we to cynical is surmising that Schmidt will spin tonight's Palin speech as a "home run," and painting any press outlet that says otherwise with the brush of "angry left" media? Are we too cynical in seeing today's anti-press onslaught as laying the groundwork for spinning tonight, getting control of the narrative? From Howie Kurtz in WashPo:

"Sen. John McCain's top campaign strategist accused the news media Tuesday of being 'on a mission to destroy' Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin by displaying 'a level of viciousness and scurrilousness' in pursuing questions about her personal life.

"In an extraordinary and emotional interview, Steve Schmidt said his campaign feels 'under siege' by wave after wave of news inquiries that have questioned whether Palin is really the mother of a 4-month-old baby, whether her amniotic fluid had been tested and whether she would submit to a DNA test to establish the child's parentage.

"Arguing that the media queries are being fueled by 'every rumor and smear' posted on left-wing Web sites, Schmidt said mainstream journalists are giving 'closer scrutiny' to McCain's little-known running mate than to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

"The McCain camp has been unusually aggressive in pushing back against the media, and it seems to hope to persuade journalists to back off in their scrutiny of Palin. Obama campaign officials have complained to news organizations that their man has been subjected to considerably more investigative reporting than McCain has, but they have done so in more low-key fashion."

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