Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lance Armstrong Commits $8 Million To Global Awareness Campaign For Cancer

Lance Armstrong has a penchant for the starlets (What do you expect from an athelete named "Lance"). All kidding aside, Armstrong also has been excellent on the subject of cancer. Armstrong joined former President Clinton in New York to get the annual meeting of The Clinton Initiative off on the right foot. From CBSTV:

"'This crisis is not an excuse to walk away from the world's challenges but a compelling reason to intensify efforts to meet them around the corner and around the world,' Clinton said at his annual Clinton Global Initiative.

"'This purpose is going to be more important than ever in the next few years if there are economic conditions which prevent governments from giving as much as they otherwise would have."

"The initiative, now in its fourth year, draws world leaders, celebrities and scholars for three days of discussions about pressing global issues like climate change and health.

"It coincides with the General Assembly meeting taking place on the other side of town at the United Nations.

"Participants are asked to take concrete steps to tackle specific problems. Some of those commitments are announced during the four-day meeting.

"On Wednesday, Lance Armstrong, who is planning a return to cycling and next year's Tour de France, said his foundation would commit $8 million over the next five years to a global awareness campaign for cancer, including a meeting that would convene in Paris after the tour.

"'This must be a global health priority. It is the reason we are here today,' he said, adding that racing his bicycle all over the world is the best way to promote the effort."

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