(image via muckety)
(image via portfolio)
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, formerly a bundler for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's failed 2008 Presidential campaign, is actually turning over her Rolodex and donating fund raising abilities over to the ... McCain campaign. We couldn't make this shit up if we tried. Considering how politically different the agendas of McCain/Palin are to what Senator Clinton stood for in her campaign, we can only construe this sheer stupidity with some seriously misguided thinking. From Cindy Adams:
"Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of England's Lord Evelyn de Rothschild of the very Rothschild Rothschilds, former wife of former Manhattan Democratic Liberal pol Andrew Stein, has boarded the SS McCain-Palin. Throwing them a party in NYC."
Rothschild told something called Muckety in June, "(Obama'll) lose women, he’ll lose Hispanics, he’ll lose seniors and he’ll lose that working community. If Hillary’s not there, I don’t think they’re going to relate to Barack Obama."
Really? Oh. Glad to hear Lady Rothschild really and truly cares about American Hispanics (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). But -- and we venture this respectfully -- is Milady not perhaps mistaking the relational abilities of a Rothschild, and not necessarily those of the foodstamp-raised Senator Obama, on, as she so delightfully put it, "the working community (Averted Gaze)."
This is what I think: Lynn Forester de Rothschild