Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are Politicians Ape-ish?

We, as humans, are not so far removed from the Chimpanzees as we would like to think. One of the most interesting books we have ever read is "King of the Mountain," by University of Kentucky Professor Arnold M. Ludwig. In his 18-year investigation into the psychology of 1,900 politicians, he came away with the theory that alpha males and females tend to flock there and that they tend to behave like their Chimpanzee counterparts. Fer realzies. He writes: "People may choose to ignore their animal heritage by interpreting their behavior as divinely inspired, socially purposeful, or even self-serving, all of which they attribute to being human, but they masticate, fornicate, and procreate, much as chimps and apes do, so they should have little cause to get upset if they learn that they act like other primates when they politically agitate, debate, abdicate, placate, and administrate, too."

We thought of Arnold M. Ludwig's investigation when reading from Page Six:

"FIDEL Castro makes Wilt Chamberlain seem lame. While the NBA legend bragged he'd bedded 20,000 women, the Cuban dictator slept with 35,000, according to an upcoming documentary. 'He slept with at least two women a day for more than four decades - one for lunch and one for supper. Sometimes he even ordered one for breakfast," an ex-Castro official named 'Ramon' tells filmmaker Ian Halperin. 'I don't think he would have stayed on as long as he did if not for all the incredible women he had access to as president.'"

Damn dirty ape.

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