Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tina Fey On Pilots

Comic Goddess Tina Fey, who may be singlehandedly responsible to the media re-evaluation of Hillary Clinton's second wind ("bitches get stuff done"), speaks to Variety on writing pilot episodes of the funniest show on TV:

"'Compare a recent episode of NBC's 30 Rock to the pilot episode, and it almost seems like a different show. Do that in front of 30 Rock creator-exec producer Tina Fey, and she's likely to cringe.

"'If I never see that pilot again, it will be too soon,' Fey says of her series' first episode. 'Pilots are difficult. I'd never written a pilot script before, and I was by myself, trying to figure out how to do this.'

"Fortunately, the pilot process typically involves a learning curve, and '30 Rock' is just one show to evolve from its original blueprint.

"'We changed a few things. We changed a couple of actors, but that's not a reflection on them,' Fey says. 'One thing we figured out that's been important to me is that no matter how elastic and insane their world is, crazy things can happen to these people, but the people must be real at their core and care about each other.'

"Despite the early adjustments, Fey says it wasn't until the episode 'Tracy Does Conan' that the showmakers discovered the breakneck pace that's become a trademark of '30 Rock,' which led all primetime weekly series this year with 17 Emmy nominations.

More on pilots here.

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