Friday, August 29, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"With less than two and a half hours until his official announcement, TV journalists are scrambling to confirm that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is his pick for Vice President. Fox News and NBC News are confirming that Govs. Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney are out of the running, with Palin's name surfacing onto the news networks just this morning .. by 7:57am, on Morning Joe, NBC's Washington bureau chief Mark Whitaker said, 'Our David Gregory is just reporting that his sources within the McCain campaign are telling him 'no' about a Palin pick. Still, Palin's name played prominently for the next hour." (TVNewser)

"John McCain is 23 years older than the state of Alaska." (SBones Twitter via Matthew Yglesias)

"On the whole, Barack Obama's broad, aggressive and studiedly unglamorous acceptance speech was a fitting end to a convention that he entered with three major tactical goals: (1) to calm the most restive of Hillary Clinton’s supporters and to make a convincing statement to the press that the wounds of the primary season are on their way to healing; (2) to alter the public’s deeply held and instinctive view of John McCain as a principled warrior-patriot who stands above politics; and (3) to defend himself against the G.O.P.’s charge that he lacks substance and seasoning – and to inoculate himself against the escalation of these attacks at next week’s Republican convention." (Steve Kornacki/Observer)

"When you first enter Marquee (where Steven Lewis moved his old Spa Wednesdays party a few years back), the place is packed with young professionals in suits and white shirts. But don’t let that scare you away! The secret is in the back room on the main floor, which on every Wednesday transforms into a fun downtown-esque party. Actor Michael Cavadias (aka Lily of the Valley) DJs this weekly Room 3 party alongside Miss Guy, James Coppola and the Six Six Sick ladies. The night I went, Lady Miss Kier from ‘90s pop band Dee-Lite DJ-ed an amazing set and had the eclectic crowd moving and shaking." (Papermag)

"Ellen Graham met Darra Torres, the tri-silver medalist of this year’s Olympics, several years ago when they were seated next to each other at a CityMeals On Wheels luncheon at the Rainbow Room here in New York. She was amazed to learn that this beautiful woman – whom she thought was a model – was a champion Olympic swimmer. She made arrangements to photograph her. Ms. Torres came for her session with her mother whom Ellen said was also very beautiful and as a matter of fact had been a model." (NySocialDiary)

"While Madonna's away, it appears that Guy Ritchie is keen to make the most of his free time. But does his famous pop star wife know that he's taking the children with him, as he relaxes down the pub? Guy was seen leaving the Punchbowl pub in London's Mayfair with sons Rocco, and David, who was carried by a nanny as they left at around 10pm." (Thisislondon)

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