Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

(image via cltv)

"First things first: A cougar is a woman 40 years of age or older who exclusively dates younger men, or 'cubs,' if you will. A cub is a man aged 22-35 who enjoys and reciprocates the attentions of said cougars. Eventually, cougars turn into panthers when they reach 65. Dawn Ellison, 43, is a senior account executive for WOR Radio, mother of two and a self-proclaimed 'cougar before it was cool to be a cougar.' Ellison is writing a book on cougars with her very own 28-year-old cub, and they hope to find a publisher soon. Check out her website, cougarandthecub.com. She will also be featured on the upcoming show Cougars: NYC, a web-based reality show chronicling the escapades of five very real-life cougars." (Papermag)

"That Dmitry Medvedev issued his instructions to the Russian military to pull out of Georgia just before he met with Nicolas Sarkozy for peace negotiations seems significant. Russia ended this war exactly when they wanted to, without waiting to be told. It was also a nice touch that it was Medvedev who made the anouncement. Remember that it was Vladimir Putin who said 'war has started' last Friday. This good-cop-bad-cop approach to world affairs seems quite effective for the tandem. The war itself was pure Putin tough: a brutal yet measured display of force. Russia certainly demonstrated that its troops could have marched right into Saakashvili's office without the world doing anything about it. But this is not a repeat of the Cold War and Putin is not Leonid Brezhnev. Occupying Georgia is probably more trouble than it's worth when Russia can simply 'throw it against the wall' to show it is possible." (ForeignPolicy)

"Down at Swifty’s, they closed the restaurant early evening for a private cocktail party preceding Arlene Dahl’s birthday dinner in the back room .. In 1984, Arlene married packaging designer and fragrance marketing consultant Marc Rosen with whom she celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary this year. Arlene, who is also a professional astrologer and columnist on the subject, likes to note that she’s been married to half the signs in the zodiac before finally settling on a Libra .. Last night’s guests included Arlene's three children, two of whom have made her a grandmother to eight and fourteen if you include her stepgrandchildren; as well as .. Liz Smith, Charlotte St. Martin (head of B'dway League), Katherine Oliver (NYC Commissioner of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting), Ambassador Enriquillio and Audrey del Rosario .. Rex Reed .." (NYSocialDiary)

"As the leader of Senate Democrats looking to expand their majority in November, Harry Reid has become a darling of the left, bashing President Bush, confabbing with liberal bloggers and relishing his role as a national target for conservative ad campaigns. But back home in Nevada, the Senate majority leader is quietly launching a 'lessons learned from Tom Daschle' strategy as he eyes his own run for reelection in 2010. Reid is doing regular interviews with conservative Nevada talk show hosts, promoting Nevada energy initiatives and hosting a bipartisan energy summit in Las Vegas this month." (Politico)

"Wardrobe anxieties ran high on the morning Pace Beijing opened its twenty-two-thousand-square-foot space in the capital’s Factory 798 Art District. 'Are you wearing high heels?' Beijing gallerinas queried one another over MSN Messenger. 'Are short sleeves OK for a Beijing opening in summer?' came an SMS from a Gagosian lieutenant. 'Can we bring our two-year-old?' asked a New York Sun journalist in town to cover the Games. Seemingly silly dilemmas, questions like these actually cut to the pulsating heart of this pre-Olympic moment: Were we to regard last Saturday’s event as we would a happening of similar gravitas back in New York or were we still on the fringes, where codes do not hold iron-tight? Put another way, how seriously are we to take Beijing, even knowing now that it takes itself very seriously?" (ArtForum)

"Isabel Coixet's 'Elegy' from IDP/Samuel Goldwyn Films is atop the weekly iW BOT box office chart, which was published this afternoon. The film earned $104,168 from 6 runs. More in this week's box office column, which was published last night." (Indiewire)

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