Friday, August 22, 2008

Joe Francis, Animale

Whither Joe Francis, Id-driven man-beast? And let's not even get into what actually happened in that weird episode with the dildo and the extortion thingie. From Jossip:

"Only days after making a plea to the American public for the sanctity of free speech and individual rights, horrible person of interest Joe Francis of the Girls Gone Wild franchise announced plans to return to the public spotlight outside a jail cell interview.

"This time he'll be in front of the camera as he joins the second season of Celebrity Apprentice, along with Khloe Kardashian, Joan and Melissa Rivers, and Dennis Rodman. Yes, Celebrity Apprentice is the new Surreal Life.

"So begs the question: Why reward Francis with more publicity when his entire business model consists of sexually exploiting young women?"

Good question. If Francis has a business model -- and he doesn't -- it involves harnessing all the insecurities of young, drunk women and cajoling them (through, oftentimes, not a little bit of peer pressure) to do things that they would not do in their home states in a state of sobriety, then marketing those moments to what can only be properly construed as knuckle dragging evolutionary throwbacks. Oh, and giving them trucker hats and t-shirts for their "efforts (Charmed, I'm sure)."

So why does he now get airtime on network TV?

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