Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ice Castles And The Ice Snob Mob

It is not difficult nowadays, alas, to see startling examples of the decadence of the American materialism that Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned -- scolded -- us against in his 1978 speech at Harvard. The spectacular showing of Will shown by the semi-tyrannical regime in Beijing only heightens its contrast with America. In tomorrow's NYTimes Style section is an article on "designer ice." Charmed, I'm sure. From Guy Trebay:

"They post recipes for making ice with a level of internal clarity greater than that of a D-flawless diamond. They make YouTube videos of a deliberately Captain Kangaroo-style naïveté that demonstrate the beauties of cubes formed by boiling distilled water once to release any trapped air molecules and then boiled again and frozen before being plunked in a glass.

"They forego refrigerator ice altogether in favor of the commercially produced kind, ordering products like the Air AI-100S portable ice cube maker, capable of producing fresh ice in 10 minutes, up to 28 pounds of it a day. Some aficionados, like the country singer Vince Gill (who has a Scotsman), even raise the ante by installing commercial-grade ice machines in their homes. And some set out on a kind of gourmet ice hegira (Safeway to Gristedes to Fairway) whenever friends come to drink.

"CAROLYN POLK did not start out as 'an ice snob.'"

No, we suppose not. Man is born free, but everywhere he is in ice labyrinths (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).


  1. Where did Guy dig up Polk and her ice-toting pals?

  2. I know, Kate, I wondered that all through the article as the Ice Castles theme was going through my head.

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