Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Waitress Wore Him Out

Rolling Stone Ron Wood is clearly at an existential moment -- does he continue to behave like the rock star he has been for most of his adult life, or does he accept that even a party god has limits. Ron can't fornicate and drink all day and night like he did when he was younger. Gravity and Time conspire, always and everywhere, to rob us of our vitality. The money and the power shielded Wood, but now the body had provided a final framework that Wood must address. From Thisislondon:

"Dressed in jeans, a green t-shirt and long-sleeved shirt, Ronnie was still wearing his wedding ring and had a sprig of wheat in his hair.

"The 61-year-old's wife Jo is said to have ended their 23-year marriage after Wood brought cocktail waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, 19, to his Irish bolthole.

"A few days after arriving on the Emerald Isle, his 30-year-old son Jesse flew over to meet him in County Kildare to attempt to persuade his father to seek help.

"After flying back to London two weeks ago, Ronnie's family managed to convince the guitarist to have treatment."

Moral of the story: Don't mess with Russian cocktail waitresses.

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