Friday, July 25, 2008

Top Chef: Williamsburg?

(image via inklingmagazine)

Has Billyburg finally and inexorably lost it's on-the-DL chic, at least to the rest of the world outside the New York fishbowl? First there were rumors -- acoustical illusions -- that MTV's entirely irrelevant "The Real World" would be shooting there (Viacommers ultimately went in for Red Hook; smart). Now, lo and behold, there are rumors of "Top Chef," the greatest reality show of them all, all up in Billyburg's bitch. From the salmon-colored weekly:

"It's more or less an open secret, but we've learned that the Top Chef cast has definitely been living for about two weeks now in a terraced duplex penthouse in Williamsburg overlooking McCarren Park.

So far, the chefs have pretty much kept to themselves, said an extremely well-placed source, leaving around 8 or 9 in the mornings for a soundstage in Greenpoint and coming straight back in the evenings.

"'They’re not allowed to talk to anyone, really, or even do their own thing,' the source said. 'They’re trying to keep things under control before the paparazzi start camping out.'"

More here.

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