Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spike Jonze And Michelle Williams

Some people carry about with them an air of sadness and for some reason Michelle Williams seems like that to this blogger. And Spike Jonze, so cruelly satirized and mocked by his ex-wife, Sophia Coppolla, in "Lost in Translation" similarly has had some public heartbreak. It is good to hear that the two are still together, helping each other heal. From Thisislondon:

"Michelle Williams has found love again with director Spike Jonze seven months after the tragic death of her former fiancé Heath Ledger.

"The pair boarded a private jet bound for Oregon yesterday along with the Brokeback Mountain actress's two-year-old daughter Matilda.

"The trio were seen strolling together outside the airport, Williams at one point breaking into a broad smile.

"Williams and Jonze, who previously dated Drew Barrymore, first met in 2006 when she auditioned for his film adaptation of the Maurice Sendak children's book Where The Wild Things Are.

"She was offered a part, but later withdrew from the film.

"But last year, the pair finally worked together on Synecdoche, New York in summer 2007 and struck up a friendship."

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