Friday, July 11, 2008

Ronnie Wood Runs Away With Russian Teen

All access? (image via thisislondon / anecdotariorock)

"We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too .."

Sting, Russians.

Rock star. Teenager. Affair. Russian. We call Cliche. Granted, the fact that he was in a band called, unfortunately, "The Rolling Stones" -- with the priapic Mick Jagger, mind you -- would suggest that Ron Wood is not really marriage material. Still, t, from Thisislondon:

"Ronnie Wood has left his wife of 23 years for an 18-year-old Russian cocktail waitress, it was claimed today.

"The Rolling Stone, 61, is said to have taken Ekaterina Ivanova to his home in Ireland, leaving his wife Jo behind at the family home in Kingston upon

"Wood, an alcoholic who is said to have 'fallen off the wagon', met her three months ago after the Leicester Square premiere of Martin Scorsese’s documentary about the Rolling Stones, Shine A Light.

"The other woman: Ekaterina Ivanova is said to have run away with rocker Ronnie Wood following an extra-marital affair

"Jo, 53, said she believed the pair had gone on a painting holiday together."

More cliches here.

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