Friday, July 18, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"Friday July 18th marks the 90th birthday of former South African President Nelson Mandela's. Mandela celebrated his ninth decade on the planet -- nearly three of which were spent as a political prisoner at -- in Qunu, his childhood home, described by The Australian as " the humble rural homestead where he was born and once herded cattle." Mandela gave this birthday message to the world .." (Ron Mwangaguhunga/ Kenneth Cole's AWEARNESS Blog)

"Howard (Stern) came back a short time later and had the guys bring in Don Felder who used to be in The Eagles. He's written a book about his experiences in the band called ''Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (1974-2001).'' Howard said he remembers Don telling Joe Walsh something at a concert one time that made him crack up. Don said that they used to do drugs back then and if they had a little crystal on your nose you'd say 'you're showing'" (Marksfriggin)

"(Sienna Miller's) love life has been super messy in the past so you'd think Sienna Miller would take it slowly with her new bloke. But no, she's about to move in with father-of-four Balthazar Getty - just a few weeks after dumping Rhys Ifans. Sienna has already become a familiar fixture among the plush furnishings of Balti's LA mansion. And when the actor - who is heir to a mindboggling £25 billion fortune - invited her to move in after a holiday in Italy, romantic Sienna already had her toothbrush ready." (3AMGirls)

"After Checking out the event at Crash Mansion I headed over to Delicatessen, set to open today, hosted a private event for Interview Magazine and Terry Richardson last night .. Despite fanning themselves incessantly with the event flyers, the crowd was still effortlessly fashionable. Apparently Charlotte Ronson was there (did she join sis at Sephora later?). Also, extremely weird deja vu upon spotting Jerry Tam. It was one of those moments where I stopped in my tracks and stared, 'Have I partied with him before? Have I worked with him? Oh! Oh! I saw him get kicked off on last night’s premiere of Project Runway!.' (SociallySuperlative)

"Jon Stewart introduced a new scientific tool last night on The Daily Show — a device called the Dobbs-O-Meter. 'The best way in measuring success in wooing the Latino community, is the Dobbs-O-Meter,' he said. 'The angrier [Lou] Dobbs gets, the better you are doing.'" (TVNewser)

"These days Mr. Romney, the telegenic former Massachusetts governor, is serving as a wingman extraordinaire for Mr. McCain. He is ubiquitous on cable television, where he talked up Mr. McCain’s economic proposals on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC on Wednesday alone. He has dutifully raised money for Mr. McCain. And Mr. Romney has developed a reputation as a campaign surrogate who can talk fluently about the economy, and who has roots in Michigan, an important swing state. Now Mr. Romney is attracting perhaps more buzz than anyone else as a potential running mate for the man he once derided. And if the initial rapprochement between the two men seemed a tad forced after Mr. Romney pulled out of the race last winter, something approaching warmth seems to be entering their relationship now." (NYTimes)

"Exclusive, gated compounds, serving only Chinese food, and where no blacks are allowed, are being built all over the continent. 'African cloths' sold in markets on the continent are now almost always imported, bearing the legend: 'Made in China'. From Nigeria in the north, to Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Angola in the west, across Chad and Sudan in the east, and south through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, China has seized a vice-like grip on a continent which officials have decided is crucial to the superpower's long-term survival. 'The Chinese are all over the place,' says Trevor Ncube, a prominent African businessman with publishing interests around the continent. 'If the British were our masters yesterday, the Chinese have taken their place.'" (Thisislondon)

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