Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is Jesse Jackson Secretly Helping Obama?

(image via timeinc)

There is an ancient school of thought that says Judas Iscariot was a hero. Similarly there are some who might contend that Jesse Jackson is willingly sacrificing himself towards the greater glory of an Obama Presidency --a role that Jeremiah Wright was not prepared to play. Although there is probably way to much intellectual thought going on in that interpretation, it would have a certain political symmetry in that Bill Clinton, the last elected Democratic President assigned Jesse Jackson that role -- whipping boy -- when the great Arkansan used a Rainbow Coalition dinner on June 13, 1992 for a "teachable" Sistah Souljah Moment. From Bloomberg:

"The Reverend Jesse Jackson's derogatory comments about Barack Obama could provide a boost for the presumptive Democratic nominee, giving him an opportunity to win over some voters who have been skeptical of his candidacy.

"Jackson was appearing on Fox News on July 6 when a microphone picked up his remark suggesting that Obama was 'talking down to black people' in recent speeches at black churches, according to a tape of the comments played on the Fox News Channel.

"He then said, referring to Obama, 'I want to cut his nuts off,' according to the Fox News Web site.

"Jackson was speaking at the time to Reed Tuckson, executive vice president and chief medical officer of United Health Group Inc.

"Jackson, 66, apologized for his remarks, telling CNN yesterday that they were 'crude.' The comments may turn out to help Obama by emphasizing his call for personal responsibility, a favorite topic of Republicans, said Mark Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.

"'It reinforces Obama's effort to present himself as an advocate of responsible personal behavior, a position that Republican candidates like to secure as uniquely their own,' Rozell said."

Yes, this is a far-fetched interpretation. Yes, this assumes a political sophistication that Jesse Jackson -- who could have had Obama's Illinois Senate seat had he been willing to risk his considerable political capital in the 1980s -- has never displayed. And, yes, this interpretation nicely shows off The Corsair's dazzling intellect (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) and was probably posted to sate his insatiable literary vanity. But is it an impossible scenario, dear, patient reader?

Consider: The point of contention is "Fatherhood," a subject that has dogged the latter quarter of Jackson's legacy. Wouldn't a sacrifice of this degree, through the prism of African-American history, negate his embarrassing sexual gaffe? Such an act of sacrifice, from a Civil Rights pioneer, would be the ultimate act of "fatherly sacrifice," a subject that he, as a Christian preacher, is particularly well-suited to put into practice.

Just throwing that out there ..

More politics/culture from The Corsair here.

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