Thursday, July 10, 2008

Harvey Weinstein: Not Talkative

(image via jtaplin)

Since when is a media mogul -- especially one obsessed with all things artistic/intellectual -- not expansive on, well, everything? Gritty Weinstein Company heavy Harvey "Big Harv" Weinstein, who is not at the top of his game, was not in a very chatty mood last night. Perhaps pimping out Project Runway is thirsty work? What's the matter, Harvey, Can't Hang (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)? From FishbowlLA:

"In the Sun Valley Lodge bar last night, where all the good deals are made, an informal pow-wow of sorts for Yahoo! executives and their new partners Google Inc. was underway with Google co-founder Larry Page, Yahoo! President Sue Decker and even former Yahoo! co-chair Terry Semel all having a drink. Semel would later tell a couple of inquiring reporters that the conversation at the table was inspiring.

"Elsewhere in the bar, former Miramax founder Harvey Weinstein ambled in, but refused to say anything to reporters. 'I'm not talking to anyone up here,' he said before joining Wendi Deng's table."

Come on, Harvey: Play the game. If you want to position yourself as some sort of businessman/artistic intellectual hybrid -- or at least a great patron of such rare human types -- you have to be loquatious about all things cultural and political. Look beyond Wendy Deng and her social cache, Harv -- sdee the big picture! More at FishbowlLA.

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