Saturday, June 07, 2008

Will Hillary Get A Supreme Court Nomination?

Yes: What does Hillary want? After just hearing Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's full-throated endorsement of Barack Obama, it seems like our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak's column might not be so wide of the mark with regards to where the Senator from New York might wind up. From "Rovak":

"IF Barack Obama is elected president, mutual friends say the best course for Hillary Clinton might be nomination to the US Supreme Court rather than staying in the Senate.

"Clinton is also talked about as suitable for secretary of state. The consensus among her friends is that she wouldn't be content forging a lifetime career in the Senate, as Sen. Edward Kennedy did after he lost the 1980 presidential nomination.

"A footnote: The last confirmed Supreme Court nominee without prior judicial experience was Lewis Powell, a prestigious attorney from Richmond, Va., named by President Richard Nixon in 1971. No high court selection has had so modest a legal background as Clinton since President John Kennedy named football star Byron (Whizzer) White in 1962."

We wondered about this also. The Clinton's temperamentally are wholly averse to making a 30-plus year career in the Senate like Ted Kennedy did. It is too much work; the Clinton's are fundamentally impatient people looking for short-term gains, always.

The Governorship of New York? The glacial pace of the cigar-smoking Albany crowd would bore Senator Clinton to death, and besides, her ally Andrew Cuomo covets that job with all his thumoeideutically-infused heart. And as far as the Senate Majority Leader position, she would have much opposition in the Senate where, we cannot fail to note, she is not well-liked. Charlie Rangel floated the idea of Secretary of State, but that seems far-fetched, even though she would be a formidable negotiator with the Mandarins of Beijing on Trade. And so what is left that is worthy of her calibre?

The Supreme Court.

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