Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Senator Clinton Takes A Vacation

(image via nytimes)

Senator Hillary Clinton from the state of New York ran a hell of a campaign that included the unheard of maneuver of changing direction 180 degrees, mid-campaign, from Inevitable Establishment candidate into Working-Call Populist barnstormer. And although she lost, she quite possibly has paved the way for the next woman who runs for President of the United States of America. Still, it has to be hard, this "So-What-Are-You-Going-To-Do-With-The-Rest-Of-Your-Life." From The Hill:

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) is taking a month off from Congress to recuperate after her marathon run for the presidency.

"She is not expected to return to the Senate until July 7 or July 8 after the Independence Day recess, according to two Democratic sources.

"Clinton’s Democratic colleagues in the Senate are taking a sympathetic attitude toward her extended absence, which comes after a grueling 18-month formal bid for the White House and, according to some calculations, a decade or more of planning and positioning since the days when her husband was president.

"'People understand this is a transition for her,' Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) said.

We wish her the best.

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