Saturday, June 28, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"FORMER House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has resurfaced with an appeal for contributions to the Coalition for a Conservative Majority, which lists him as chairman and founder. DeLay suggested that this be enclosed with any contribution: "I am thrilled to learn that you have gotten back in the fight against the Left.' DeLay, who has endorsed John McCain after expressing misgivings, in his fund-raising appeal takes positions to McCain's right. DeLay asks: 'Are you concerned by the growing evidence that there are powerful forces inside our government and out who are quietly moving to have America absorbed into a globalist style 'North American Union' with Canada and Mexico?" (Novak)

"Hollywood is one of those places where, traditionally, money has come from — along with New York, Texas, Florida, Silicon Valley in northern California and the unions. But because of the Internet and the way campaigns are financed these days, you don’t need traditional financing as much as you used to — and Obama has tapped into that in a big way. But at the end of the day, people in Hollywood care more about [the presidency] than just the trappings of it and the surface type stuff. They care about the issues." (Politico)

"President Bush on Saturday said he has instructed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Treasure Secretary Henry Paulson to develop sanctions against the “illegitimate government of Zimbabwe and those who support it.' Bush called Friday’s “runoff” election, in which President Robert Mugabe an unopposed, a 'sham.' Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai had withdrawn from the race, citing worries that his supporters were facing violence if he had stayed in the contest." (TheHill)

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