Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Are Drugs Having The Best Week Ever?

For some reason this week Drugs -- never far from the minds of twentysomethings -- are having something of a cultural resurgence. First there was the MTV Movie Awards pot-kerfuffle (Pfffffffffft!), then Tatum O'Neal's coke and crack bust.

Senator Obama, who has like many people who came of age in the 1970s some experience with recreational drugs, may or may not legalize non-addictive and non-crimeogenic -- read: marijuana -- drugs. But we would counsel him politically to NEVER mention that before achieving office. It is one of those political third rails.

We cannot fail to note, though, that it seems logical that Obama, who may be the first non-Boomer President and doesn't have the intellectual baggage of the 1960s culture wars, may pursue some form of drug legalization as President. And that wouldn't be a bad thing.

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