Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Didn't Senator Obama Serve in Grenada?

Trapped like a fossil in amber, the Methuselan Senator John McCain opposed Senator Jim Webb's 21st century GI Bill of Rights. Not so swift. McCain's proxy, Senator Lindsay "Linds" Graham had blundered. And to add insult to injury, Senator Obama, who clearly enjoys rustling McCain's ancient feathers, mentioned how he simply couldn't understand how the former POW could oppose such a bill.

Oh, snap.

McCain fought back, intemperately, flashing some of that sweet political ankle, namely -- his infamous temper. Rrr. McCain, quoted from MSNBC:

"And I take a backseat to no one in my affection, respect and devotion to veterans. And I will not accept from Sen. Obama, who did not feel it was his responsibility to serve our country in uniform, any lectures on my regard for those who did."

How selfish! How dare Senator Barack Obama not serve in the armed forces where he was much needed during the Grenada War? After he graduated from Columbia, he could have -- if he were a true, blue "bona fide" -- have volunteered to help our boys kick some sweet Grenadian ass. While, yes, we did swat that tiny island nation like a great cosmic force dispatching a troublesome gnat, the Senator could have enlisted his boots-on-the-ground. And instead of walking the gritty streets of Chicago heading a voter registration drive and writing his first book in order to pay off his college loans, Obama could have served in the first Persian Gulf War!

What was Obama thinking? John McCain is so obviously right. He must be a secret Muslim, or, at the very least, well-practiced in the art of Hindoo magicks.

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