Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zinni In The Veepstakes?

(image via undergroundclips)

Our favorite Dickensian villain "Rovak" today writes of the names being bandied about internally in the Obama campaign. Interestingly, non-politically experienced military types are being mentioned. Wesley Clarke, a close Clinton ally, would probably be the best choice. But there are others being mentioned. (Novak)

"AS Clinton's presidential odds lengthen, feminist supporters have begun arguing that she must be the vice-presidential candidate if Obama wins the presidential nomination. Obama wasn't responsive to this question on Wednesday's ABC network debate, but his advisers say it is out of the question. Clinton as vice president, they say, would weaken rather than strengthen the ticket.

"A footnote: Many Democrats would like to see a military man as Obama's running mate, and specifically mention retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni. Zinni is a critic of Bush's national-security policies. Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark is a vice-presidential prospect who, unlike Zinni, has a little political experience. He ran for the Democratic nomination in '04 and actually won a primary (Oklahoma)."

More Rovak.

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