Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Papermag's Gregory Christie reports on The Jewish Museum's Off The Wall Closing Night Event from a few days ago. "Orthodox Jews, renegade Hasidim, fashionistas and art aficionados converged on New York’s Jewish Museum last Thursday night for the unveiling of wily and prodigious designer Levi Okunov’s new, museum-inspired collection. The show represented the climax to the institution’s two-week 'Off the Wall' series, a program of young, Jewish artists working in a variety of media. The show began, much like the Torah, in stark darkness. Suddenly, the runway was illuminated by Melissa Shiff’s 'JAMS: The Jewish Animated Mandala Series.' The crowd was confronted with a series of ritual objects bursting into a spectrum of fractal patterns, accompanied by spacey, ambient music.

"Minutes later, figure skater Oksana Baiul appeared on the runway draped in vertical stripes reminiscent of the black and white pattern favored by some sects of Hasidim. After prowling the runway, she squealed as if just completing a triple-axle and then skipped back towards the curtain."

More on the event at Papermag's Word Up and TheJewishMuseum.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Levi is amazing ! i am so proud of him !

  2. he's an american genius
