(image via Russ Carmack/The News Tribune)
"Floyd Brown is back. Brown, the former political director of 'Americans for Bush' (meaning George H.W. Bush), was a key player in the infamous 1988 "Willie Horton" ad, and his new group the National Campaign Fund -- which launched a new website "Expose Obama" -- aims to take a similarly low-road approach to the presidential race and his new target, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. As Time's Michael Scherer reported this week Brown is trying to raise funds to run a TV ad against Obama in North Carolina, which will holds its primary on May 6." (ABCNews)
"As part of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart's ongoing 'Indecision 2008' coverage of the 2008 presidential election, the show will host a former president and former Speaker of the House, along with the current Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and current Senate Majority Leader over the coming weeks. Former President Jimmy Carter (April 28), former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (April 29), Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Howard Dean (May 1) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (May 5) will stop by 'The Daily Show's' midtown Manhattan studio to sit down with Jon Stewart." (ComedyCentral)
"The days when Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen starred in cutesy flicks like How The West Was Fun are as over as era when Nicole Kidman had an expressive forehead. Nowadays, of course, Mary-Kate shows up on Weeds, playing 'Tara, a devoted Christian girl who falls in with a family of drug-dealing suburbanites.' And I just saw a screening of The Wackness, a cool little film about a young drug dealer in love, and while I'm not at liberty to reveal anything substantial about it just yet, let's just say that Mary-Kate's brief role might not be completely unrelated to narcotics." (Musto)
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday that three of the party’s most influential figures might join to convince Democratic superdelegates to make up their minds which presidential candidate to support. Reid said he, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean might write a joint letter, or individual letters, to superdelegates after the last primaries in early June, 'unless something comes up.'" (TheHill)
"Mr. Wright, who has acted as Mr. Obama’s spiritual mentor and retired in February as pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, said that he has never heard Mr. Obama repeat any of his controversial statements. 'Absolutely not,' Mr. Wright said. 'I don’t talk to him about politics. And so he had a political event, he goes out as a politician and says what he has to say as a politician. I continue to be a pastor who speaks to the people of God about the things of God.' Mr. Obama publicly denounced Mr. Wright’s remarks, a reaction Mr. Wright said 'went down very simply.' 'He’s a politician, I’m a pastor,' he said. 'We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. But they’re two different worlds.'" (BenSmith/Politico via NYTImesBlogs)
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