Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Some Tough Questions For Senator Obama

Over at FishbowlNY we ran a poll and 75% of our readers -- mostly working journalists based in NYC -- said that the press has been easy on Senator Obama thus far. This is true, considering his lack of specific policy propsals the Democratic front-runner has offered in the Senate and on the stump in comparison to his primary opponent Hillary Clinton. Some questions, from The Corsair:

--Senator, you have spoken movingly about children learning poetry and music and art as well as the other liberal arts. As President you would have little power to affect that change in municipally-controlled public schools. Would you use the bully pulpit of the Executive branch to further American schoolchildren to pursue The Junior Great Books?

--Senator, Russia -- as a result of this administration's maneuverings in the Eastern European theater -- is poised on the brink of resuming a Cold War against The West. How would an Obama adminitration approach President Putin's successor?

--Senator Obama, what are your thoughts on the independence of Kosovo? Serbian tattacks on NATO and United Nations peacekeepers? Russian mischief in the region?

--Senator Obama, you have been relatively silent on the explosion of tensions in Kenya, your father's home country. What is your position to reports of widespread corruption in the voting in Kenya, which was once a hallmark of African stability? Are you for elections to be reheld and monitored by the United Nations, or, possibly, The Carter Center?

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