Thursday, February 28, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"Flamboyant singer Boy George has said that he didn't chain a male escort to a wall at his plush London home, a court heart today. The pop-star and DJ appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court, in east London, and pleaded not guilty when he was accused of assaulting and imprisoning a male escort on April 28 last year ... The singer spent time talking with lawyers before leaving the court building, thanking fans who turned up to offer support. He said only 'no comment' to waiting press before leaving in a black Volkswagen people carrier." (Thisislondon)

"More than 700 New Yorkers and national movers and shakers attended A Tribute to Women Leaders as One Hundred Black Men Inc. of New York City (OHBM) ... Guests at the VIP reception included former Mayor David Dinkins and Mrs. Dinkins, Congressman Gregory Meeks ... One Hundred Black Men Inc. of New York City was founded in 1963 when a group of successful African-American men, including Judge Robert Mangum, David Dinkins and businessman J. Bruce Llewellyn pooled their resources to positively impact the black community. Other members have included the late Johnnie Cochran, Bill Cosby, former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton, Congressman Charles Rangel .." (NYSD)

"Mary-Kate Olsen is making a rare public appearance Thursday to support a friend. The petite mogul is coming out of hiding following the death of friend Heath Ledger and is expected to attend, not to mention face the cameras at, Giambattista Valli's show at the Espace Ephémère Paris."(Fashionweekdaily)

"Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, has been on a tour of duty with the British Army in Afghanistan since before Christmas, it emerged today. The Prince has been on active duty in the country since mid-December, working as a Forward Air Controller – responsible for providing cover for troops on the frontline in Helmand Province. He has been personally involved in clashes with Taleban guerrillas." (Timesonline via DrudgiePoo)

"President Bush attacked a key foreign policy stance of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), contending heatedly at a news conference Thursday morning that talking to dictators without preconditions can be dangerous and counterproductive. Obama’s argument that the president 'should never fear to negotiate' with America’s enemies – including Cuba's new leader, Raul Castro – is one of his clearest differences with his rival for the presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.). At a news conference where Bush showed unusual passion for a president in his waning months, he said 'now is not the time' to talk with Castro." (Politico)

"The Cruises and Smiths left their six kids at home and went out for a grown-ups dinner last night, in what appears to be Tom and Katie's continuing effort to woo Will and Jada into the flock of Scientology. The supercouple supper club at Cut Steakhouse in L.A. would have been complete had the Beckhams joined the bankable leading men and their actress wives. Alas, David's in South Korea and Victoria is busy coaching Cruz through his break-dancing boot camp." (PageSix)
"Poland and the United States are struggling to accommodate each other's priorities around Washington's plan to erect a missile defence site with interceptors on Polish territory, according to US and Polish government sources ... While US-Polish talks on the details and timing of the ballistic missile site itself are progressing, according to the sources the negotiating parties are in opposition over two other subjects arising from, but not directly linked, to the missile site. These are bilateral US-Polish defence co-operation and the stationing of US troops in Poland via a specific status-of-forces agreement (SOFA). 'We see SOFA as the main negotiating track [after missile defence]. They consider a new defence co-operation agreement as more important,' a US official told Jane's." (Janes)

"... I guess not every name comes readily to mind for (Tina Brown). She cutely couldn't remember the name of the (The Other Boleyn Girl) director in her speech before the screening (it's Justin Chadwick), which she delivered in a very smart black leathery top that made her look mildly dominatrix-like. But Tina did say she's obsessed with Boleyn, 'and if I have enough drinks at the dinner later, I'll recite the poem she wrote just before she was beheaded.' Well, someone ELSE was going to have to have their noggin cut off because I wasn't INVITED to the dinner! Anyway, another adorable moment happened when Tina thanked Sony for having the screening, at which point a publicist jumped in to clarify that the evening was actually underwritten by the Diamond board!" (Musto)

"But apart from the real problems that Kosovo will face, and the ethical ones that its patrons will have to deal with, the biggest issue here is the future of Serbia. This pivotal country in the Balkans is being pushed into national division and isolation by the rush to recognize Kosovo’s independence. Belgrade can be blamed for most of the sorrow that has been heaped upon the Serbs since Slobodan Milosevic’s policies triggered the wars that destroyed multiethnic Yugoslavia. His cancellation of Kosovo’s autonomy and the brutality with which Belgrade dealt with the Kosovars’ rebellion brought the wrath the West upon his head. But the West’s continued humiliation of the Serbs, to their regional rivals’ benefit, seems designed to promote the growth of Serbian nationalism (and thus divide this nation further) and also to sow the seeds of endless tension in the region. Whether this is the result of strategy or stupidity is equally lamentable: the United States has shown itself to be most reckless with peace while claiming to promote it. Kosovo has declared its independence and several countries, led by the United States, have already recognized it. However long its recognition remains in limbo, the breakaway state will be independent of Serbia but not independent of endless foreign support." (WashPo)

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