Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"'I felt so much more for Madd, Zahara and Pax because they were survivors,' (Angelina Jolie) continued, she added. 'Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. But I'm conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable.'" (Thisislondon)

"Last night they were celebrating the renovation that been started on his historic building. They were honoring the two men that are spearheading it through the Seventh Regiment Armory Conservancy. This great building with rooms designed by Stanford White, Louis Comfort Tiffany and the Herter Brothers had been in a state of deterioration for decades ...Caroline Kennedy was last night’s honorary chair. Dinner chairs were Candice Bergen and Marshall Rose .." (NYSD)

"Actor Jon Voight, estranged from daughter Angelina Jolie and son James Haven, told Regis and Kelly his plans to spend the holidays. While he has four grandchildren thanks to Angelina and Brad Pitt, he said he'll spend it as he's spent it in recent years, with grandnieces. Asked what he would do this Christmas, he listed all his brother's children's children, with no mention of his own. Actor Jon Voight, estranged from daughter Angelina Jolie and son James, told Regis and Kelly his plans to spend the holidays with his grand neices." (HuffPo)

"As it happens, Paris Hilton’s presence at Art Basel last weekend really did boggle more than a few minds. One guest at a party held on Saturday night at Casa Casuarina, the former Versace Mansion on Miami Beach’s Ocean Drive, told The Daily Transom that she was acting rather strangely at the affair. 'The interesting thing is just how insecure and socially inept she is,' the eyewitness told us after the party. 'She walked around the garden most of the night pretending she was speaking to someone on her cell phone.'" (Observer)

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