Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is This The End Of Senator Byrd?

Above: Bobby Byrd, catching up on some zzz's!

Senator William Byrd, the oldest serving member of the United States Senate (he is 90), has, for years been in decline. While still able to hold forth on the history of the Senate, he is increasingly frail. And so Politico's lead story came as no surprise:

"A group of Senate Democrats has begun quietly exploring ways to replace the venerable Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) as chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, believing he’s no longer physically up to the job, according to Democratic senators and leadership aides familiar with the discussions.

"Under one scenario being circulated in Democratic circles, the 90-year-old Byrd would be named 'chairman emeritus,' and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) would become 'acting chairwoman' for the remainder of the 110th Congress."

That would be a good move. Byrd is so old he was a actually an "Exalted Cyclopse" of the KKK back at the dawn of the 20th Century (as opposed to the Homeric Cyclops, Polephemos, at the dawn of the 8th century B.C.), when it was an influential force in West Virginia. He has, of course, denounced his youthful indiscretions and had an honorable career in the Senate. But it might be time for a new generation -- at the very least one of the latter half of the 20th century -- still, to take the reins and perform acts of progress.

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